Don’t open that door

It’s here guys. October! The month of gouls, ghosts and trick or treating. But alas, here in Italy it’s not as big of a thing as in England or USA, no one really goes trick or treating or gets dressed up, which in my opinion is quite a shame, because my spooky costume has to … Continue reading

Airport Fashion

Helloooo. Sorry about the bad, non-respondent blogging, but alas school has been weighing me down with all this studying and homework. Thank god it’s the Christmas holidays soon. Anywayyy I wanted to share with you my thought on what people wear to the airport. I was there the other week, and some of the things people wear … Continue reading

Platform Shoes, Disco Music and Hippies

The 70’s. We we think of this period we immediately think of hippies, disco music and the feminist movement. Why am I talking about this you may ask? Well, I recently watched the film Dark Shadows, which is set in the 70’s. Everything looked so awesome back then, the fashion, the music, everything I obviously love. Chloe Moretz, one … Continue reading